Wow, what an interesting couple of days. First, though, I forgot that on Tuesday I took a bunch of stuff to work to shred in addition to throwing stuff out.
OK. Yesterday I took out an extra cork remover that I didn't need, and a small ladle that I never used cuz I didn't know what it was for! Also, I seem to be inspiring one or more of my neighbors (a very tall neighbor) because there was a small tin of perfume or balm left in the lobby, as well as a pretty fuschia party decoration hanging on the mirror - the cat mask was gone Tuesday night when I got home.
Today I took out a circular grater. By circular, I mean that it had round blades that you insert into a holder and then turn the crank to shred cheese or whatever. It had three different blades so you could get slices of cheese, shredded cheese, or tiny grated cheese. For me, the kind that you hold flat over a bowl works better than this contraption. I was saving it for the yard sale but decided to take it out today.
So when I got off the subway at work today, I was told I was beautiful by a complete stranger, and asked for my phone number! Talk about results! I wasn't even wearing makeup. I didn't give him my number, because I don't do that. I start with email. But he said maybe he'd run into me again and change my mind! This hasn't happened to me in quite awhile and it just felt great.
What's really cool about this is that I was thinking last night about how I have said for years and years that I want to get married and have kids, but then I don't go out, don't usually say yes when asked out, and have been in multiple relationships with men who don't want to get married. So although I want it, I'm not committed to having it. I may not even really want it. In looking at that I asked myself what commitment to marriage would look like. The biggest thing I saw was that if I'd been committed to getting married, I would never have let shyness stop me from approaching men I liked - especially when I already knew they liked me. So it's pretty amazing that I saw this last night, and then got hit on today.
What's gonna happen when I REALLY start throwing stuff out? :)
Thursday, February 19, 2009
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