Saturday, February 21, 2009

Friday, and Saturday morning

On Friday morning I took 8 shower curtain loops down to the lobby. They had been hanging in my closet holding up "decorations" like the silver mask I took out a week or two back. I finally realized this was not the kind of decorating that really reflected ME. I was saving these loops for the yard sale in April, but changed my mind.

I also took some old, old checks to work to shred. I don't know why I even bothered to shred them - not only is the account closed, the bank was bought out! Call me paranoid. But shredding is a satisfying thing to do, so it was fun.

I haven't taken anything out yet today, but I did remove a different kind of clutter. I was looking for ways to save money, and thought of my land line. I have a cell phone that I can use for long distance. I rarely use up my minutes each month, so my LD is going to be free forever. So I thought why not remove the calling plan from my landline. Turns out, I could even eliminate the long distance capability. So I did and I'm going to save $20 - $30 a month, depending on how many local calls I have.

As I do this clutter clearing, I'm finding it interesting to notice the myriad forms clutter can take. I don't think I'd have considered long distance service clutter if it weren't for this project. There's mental clutter to get rid of too.

Ultimately, the project is about getting the physical clutter out of the way so I can see what the real obstacles are to my success in various areas of life. I think physical clutter keeps me comfortably separated from the mental clutter that's holding me back. That's why I've never been able to get past a certain point with it. No one enjoys taking responsibility for their limitations. This time, though, I'm inspired to keep with it and see what happens when there's nothing to hide behind. Who knows? Maybe there is a fabulous woman under all the junk!

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