Monday, February 23, 2009


Today's clutter: I took a can of spray starch down to the lobby. I've been hauling this can around for years - I think I brought it here from OREGON! And I don't remember if I've ever starched anything. Maybe once. Gone!

I'm noticing a side effect result from clearing clutter: I'm more motivated to get my household chores done. Yesterday, after posting, I did not get out my knitting. Instead, I entered info from a bunch of business cards into a database and recycled the cards. I also cleaned out my kitchen sink's pipes, did the dishes, did some filing, and changed the cat litter.

Another result: It struck me a couple times yesterday how silly it was to hang on to some of the stuff I've got. For example, while going through the business cards, I realized that I didn't remember where I met half of these folks, and wouldn't recognize them if I saw them on the street. I was putting the info into a database because some real estate guru said it was a good idea. But once it goes in, it almost never gets used! SILLY! So that's more clutter to watch out for.

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