Thursday, March 3, 2011

Wow, Time Flies!

I have been so busy the past couple weeks! No time to post anything and I don't remember when I decluttered stuff. I know I did some shredding sometime around the 18th, maybe 16 pages or 20, but since then I have totally lost track.

But it's because I'm working all the time and bringing in lots of money! It's great, and what's even greater is that the diet I'm on is giving me the energy and stamina to do it without getting cranky and wiped out!

So. I've shredded some papers, done a little recycling, kept up with the dishes every other day, and even got motivated to work on cleaning the nastiest of the dirty kitchen cabinets. And yesterday I left a brochure of recipes and coupons down in the lobby (I couldn't use them). That's about all I can remember.

Results: I've been happier since the breakup. He left me a message that sounded like he was going to let me go, and that left me feeling sad for a couple days. But then he's called since then to talk. It brought up lots of feelings that I had an opportunity to deal with using EFT - the Tapping Summit has been going on for 10 days, and I've had amazing results with releasing emotions that were long-held and were in my way. So I guess I HAVE been decluttering all this time! I feel excited about my future, and have a good feeling about what's ahead. I think my guy will rise to the challenge and we'll end up together. But I'm prepared for any eventuality - it really is OK no matter what happens.

As mentioned, the diet is going SO well. I have been feeling so good. I'm not full of energy, but I am holding up through the day and not exhausted. A side benefit is that I'm not driven crazy by the crowds on the train, and don't need as much alone time to recuperate.

A good friend of mine introduced me to a business that I think I'll be able to make a lot of money with, and the best part is I'll get to hang out with her and be around success-oriented people as well. I'm excited to be in it.

And finally, the money is coming in, and I'm really enjoying the new jobs I have! Life feels really good. I'm happy. :)

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