Saturday, March 26, 2011

Another Week Gone

Oh, my goodness, I have not been keeping up with the decluttering. TOO MUCH TO DO!

This week, I'm pretty sure I took a Brita filter cup and an old toaster to the lobby, and also a pair of gloves that I picked up in the lobby that weren't working out for me. I might have taken them out last week, and didn't remember, but anyhow, I'm recording it now.

On Thursday, I shredded 46 more papers, did dishes, cleaned the catbox, and swished the toilet. I might also have put away clean laundry, or I did that Friday. On Friday I recycled an envelope and a box, and did laundry.

Results: My Ignite business hit a snag in my first two customers, who have not been verified yet. However, this has brought up a host of issues I have with success, so it's been good although stressful. I'm using EFT tapping to deal with the issues and allow myself to have this success. Have a lot of people working on my behalf to get some customers for me by Monday, so I'm doing my best to stop worrying and am focusing on other things to distract me from worrying. Whatever happens will happen, but worry is just wasted energy, and the Law of Attraction says that worry keeps what you want from happening. So I'm distracting myself with clearing up clutter and cleaning today. It's one bonus check and has no bearing on my future success with this busines, but those beliefs that are blocking me have everything to do with my future success, so it's really good that I'm having to deal with them.

Otherwise, though, things are flowing well. Money and work are coming in, my honey and I are doing well and I'm seeing more commitment, and I'm back on the Body Ecology Diet and detoxing. Gotta get to work now!

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