Monday, March 28, 2011

Top Of The Monday To Ya!

Today's Declutter: I paid three bills and recycled two of the envelopes and the inserts. The third envelope has a phone # I need to keep handy. Yes, I am one of those disorganized people who writes phone #s on the backs of envelopes. It is what it is! I also recycled a receipt and a post-it. I've balanced my new bank account and am about to balance the old one.

I also did more mental decluttering this morning through tapping. I gotta say, this is such an effective tool, I'm sorry I didn't start using it regularly long ago. I first heard about it maybe four years ago and looked into it but didn't learn how until last year. Then I used it for awhile but stopped. Wasn't until this tapping summit that I really got to see how well it works with blocks, and even THEN I didn't continue using it till this past week! Anyway, I did some more major emotional blocks that I didn't even know what they were about. Then I called Ignite to ask for an extension of time. It turns out that they usually give a five-day grace period. But the best news was, whenever my customers that I signed up get verified, I'll still get paid because they signed up within the first 30 days! So I just have to figure out how to help that along - and find a few more customers just in case!

Results: Got one more email early this morning from a good friend who passed my info along to people in the states we have service! I feel like something should pop from all these referrals soon. But since I don't have the info to follow up, who knows?

I also hope to talk tonight to one of my friends who's interested in signing up! She said she'd call when she has time. I asked about getting together but she didn't answer. Don't know why I didn't just suggest that in the first place! Anyway, I'm doing my best to trust that the Universe will take care of this for me. I've done a lot and I could still do more, and I'm working on my reluctance to do certain things. I feel good about clearing these issues. Even if nothing else happens, this business is providing lots of personal growth for me!

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