Friday, February 18, 2011

Sunday - Thursday

On Sunday I don't think I decluttered anything. Wait, I might have recycled a bill envelope.

Monday: Shredded 26 papers at work, and did dishes.

Tuesday: I paid a bill and recycled the envelope and insert.

Wednesday: I did dishes and shredded 28 more papers. And I broke up with my boyfriend. That's a declutter because the relationship wasn't meeting my needs. Nothing wrong with it, it just wasn't right for me.

Thursday: Didn't declutter anything.

Results: I feel energized, and I know it's from letting go of a relationship that was stagnant and miserable for me. I was a little sad when I made the decision, but then he did something really over the line (sort of odd because I hadn't told him I was leaving yet) and I went straight to pissed off. That will pass too, but there's a lot of it, so I'm just dealing with it as it comes up. But I feel free and optimistic again about having my dreams come true. He finally said enough to remove all doubts I had about the right decision and I'm happy to be done with waiting for it to change. Like I said, nothing wrong with how he wanted it to be, but it wasn't right for me.

I also got paid Thursday, and am getting paid Friday, so hopefully I can pay off a bill this week!

After a few days of feeling yucky, I am doing better on the diet. Really loving the veggies - I've never eaten so healthily in my life! I must be eating six or eight cups of veggies a day, and it's working for me. I started some coconut water kefir this week, trying out making it with juice from the cultured veggies from the farmers' market near me, and it worked! I got some actual starter culture for the next batch, which I'll start this afternoon. All in all, after a week I am adjusting to the time it takes to cook all this stuff, and doing OK, though I was really late to work one day. I think I'll have it down solid by next week.

Finally, more work is coming in! It is nice to have this flow of abundance in my life again :)

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