Friday, October 15, 2010

This Week

I forgot that I also took out garbage on Monday en route to the laundromat.

Tuesday: I paid a bill and recycled the envelope and insert. Also recycled the envelope and insert of another bill that I was going to pay but had to wait on till a deposit cleared. I made crock-pot roast overnight too.

Wednesday: I invited my guy over for dinner, and by the time he accepted I was lying on the couch exhausted from the occasional hormonal exhaustion that hits every couple years. But despite the disreputable state of my apartment I told him to come over anyway. I figured I could lay there a little while longer and then try to clean up a bit. The fatigue passed off and I got up and put the clothes in my room away. Then - this is not necessarily in order - I cleaned the toilet and catbox, put the clean laundry away, swept the living room and entry, bathroom, cat area, and kitchen, and did most of the dishes. The place actually looked and felt much better and it really didn't take that long.

Oh, yeah, I also shredded 10 old bank statements and such at work.

Thursday: I paid that bill. But I don't think I recycled anything - oh, maybe a plastic container for some candy I bought. I've been recycling them lately. But I did change my sheets and put my heating pad on my bed - just in time, it is much colder this morning than it's been yet this fall, in the upper 40s.

Results: I have gotten some ideas for things I can promote online through this webinar series I'm learning from. Had a nice call on Wednesday with the gal who's running that show and she got the brainstorming started.

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