Sunday, October 24, 2010


On Friday I slept in till 11:30 to begin the weekend of rejuvenation. I also drank lemonade with camu in it for energy. I think it helps. I'm trying it again Sunday to see.

Made soup and Listened to another webinar on Friday afternoon, and got the garbage ready to go out and a load of laundry ready for Saturday. I don't think I actually decluttered anything, just had lots of downtime.

On Saturday I did a lot: Slept in till 12:20! and then got to work right away cuz the cat decided to take a nap in the filthy catbox cover - I'd left it off cuz the litter was so pungent I was afraid the cat would choke on it - so I had to give her a bath. Then I cleaned the catbox cover and changed the litter. After a shower and a little goofing off, I took out the garbage, did laundry, and bought ink (using my Staples rewards for a little money off), then came home and put the laundry on the roof (I have a rack) to dry while there was still a little sun, took out the recycling, uprooted my tomato plants and tossed in the empty lot, took pics of a couple of things to sell on craigslist, did dishes, and ate soup. Finally, I cleaned the bathroom sink.

I was really tired again after this little bit of work. It's so weird for me to be this tired. I used to be a little whirlwind, always bouncing off the walls with energy. I haven't been that energetic for a long time, but this is a new level of tired. I'm taking more vitamins and getting more sleep, eating more greens and drinking more water, and generally hoping the energy comes back a bit soon. I am convinced, though, that it has to do with the EFT exercises I'm doing daily. I am releasing so much emotion that I didn't really think was still there, and I think that's just wearing me out. It'll be over in another month! and the benefits will outweigh the temporary inconvenience of dragging myself around. :)

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