Saturday, February 13, 2010


Last night I recycled still more: A list of things to do from maybe a year ago, and two envelopes and a couple inserts from bills I paid.

I also did a lot of 2009 catch-up on Quicken. Maybe an hour's worth of work, updating investment and retirement accounts. There's only a few more to do and I'll be ready for taxes.

Today: I haven't really decluttered yet, but I did take glass/plastic/metal recycling down to the garbage area. So I guess that bag that the stuff was in is my declutter :) I also took out the garbage.

OK, I just opened a piece of mail and recycled all but the part with my name and address on it. I'll take that to work to shred it.

Results: Oh, man. I started taking a supplement on Tuesday night to help with this problem I think I have. By Wednesday morning my hair was tangling less - no kidding, it was that fast. (I didn't say before how bad the tangling was: I had rats' nests in my hair two or three times a DAY. I could not run my fingers through my hair. My hair hadn't been tangly since my childhood, so this was really freaky. Since starting this supplement I've had one or two really snarly moments, but no more rats' nests!) By yesterday morning when I was combing my hair after my shower, I noticed it felt silky. My hair has always been very fine and silky. But I didn't realize that I'd lost the silkiness till I got it back. The final change that I've noticed in my hair is that the shine is coming back - it had gotten pretty dull.

The really big change, though, is in my energy and motivation level. I feel GREAT! And I'm getting things done without having to talk myself into it or even think about it, which hasn't happened in a very, very long time - years. The chronic cold I have had since Thanksgiving was starting to come back Tuesday. By Wednesday evening it was gone. The sore throat and cough just went away. As a result, I can sing again and have rejoined the cast of an opera I'd previously dropped out of due to my constant relapsing. My immune system feels strong again.

So. Now I'm ready to say what I think the problem was. I think I have hypothyroidism. My grandma had thyroid problems and it's fairly common. Common symptoms include fatigue, lack of motivation (!) or lethargy, dry hair and skin, low body temperature, frequent infections, and weight gain. Tangly hair and dry eyes are less common symptoms. Except for weight gain, I've had all of the above. The great thing about it is, it's totally fixable with either nutrition or thyroid replacement. Clearly all I needed was the nutrition or I wouldn't be seeing these results so fast.

The best part about all this is that I've used and sold a certain brand of supplements since the mid-90s, and at some point I got this herbal formula that was designed for thyroid support. I got it for some other thing that someone recommended it for, but I hadn't been taking it. This is the supplement I started taking Tuesday, and it is working. These products are amazing and have always worked for me, but I was in such good health that the effects were subtle. Not this time - I think four days to increased energy is pretty dramatic! Apparently with thyroid the turnaround time for symptoms can be pretty quick, but I'm still floored! If anyone wants more info on the supplements, let me know. I'll post a link where you can buy them wholesale as one of my customers.

I'm also adding coconut oil to my diet - I read online that it is good for thyroid imbalance as well. I already know it to be anti-viral and have it around the house, but I'll be taking it daily now to see what happens.

With these results, I can see the decluttering accelerating because of my increased motivation level! That's what I call an upward spiral!

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