Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Today's declutter: A tp wrapper, two envelopes, and six teabag wrappers. And some more mental decluttering via tapping.

Results: Today was nice and sunny, and after a morning of reaching out to Facebook friends about customers, I took a walk to the P.O. to get my mind off things. It worked too - I went through the park and spontaneously flopped down on the astroturf and let the sun soak in for a minute. And I could feel a feeling I haven't experienced in awhile, that used to really sustain me when I was a young girl having a hard time. I could feel that the sun and the sky and the earth loved me, and now I understand that what I felt is the love of the Universe, or God or whatever you want to call it. So I lay there today, feeling the love and letting it in, and it really took my mind off things for a little while. I still couldn't think about my goals because it took me out of the good feeling, so I just focused on being loved for awhile. Took a different way home, enjoying the day and feeling that love.

I ended up as stressed as ever, but I ended up calling the company and asking again for an extension, and left a message for a supervisor, so we'll see what happens. Since then I've sort of surrendered or maybe given up, not sure which! But it's OK, I feel OK, and if this happens it will be one more time the Universe has come through for me, and something to marvel at.

Monday, March 28, 2011

More Monday

Tonight I reconciled my closed bank account, and then recycled a newspaper and four more pieces of paper.

Results: I'm reaching out to some more friends regarding referrals.

Oh yeah, I woke up feeling a lot better today!

Top Of The Monday To Ya!

Today's Declutter: I paid three bills and recycled two of the envelopes and the inserts. The third envelope has a phone # I need to keep handy. Yes, I am one of those disorganized people who writes phone #s on the backs of envelopes. It is what it is! I also recycled a receipt and a post-it. I've balanced my new bank account and am about to balance the old one.

I also did more mental decluttering this morning through tapping. I gotta say, this is such an effective tool, I'm sorry I didn't start using it regularly long ago. I first heard about it maybe four years ago and looked into it but didn't learn how until last year. Then I used it for awhile but stopped. Wasn't until this tapping summit that I really got to see how well it works with blocks, and even THEN I didn't continue using it till this past week! Anyway, I did some more major emotional blocks that I didn't even know what they were about. Then I called Ignite to ask for an extension of time. It turns out that they usually give a five-day grace period. But the best news was, whenever my customers that I signed up get verified, I'll still get paid because they signed up within the first 30 days! So I just have to figure out how to help that along - and find a few more customers just in case!

Results: Got one more email early this morning from a good friend who passed my info along to people in the states we have service! I feel like something should pop from all these referrals soon. But since I don't have the info to follow up, who knows?

I also hope to talk tonight to one of my friends who's interested in signing up! She said she'd call when she has time. I asked about getting together but she didn't answer. Don't know why I didn't just suggest that in the first place! Anyway, I'm doing my best to trust that the Universe will take care of this for me. I've done a lot and I could still do more, and I'm working on my reluctance to do certain things. I feel good about clearing these issues. Even if nothing else happens, this business is providing lots of personal growth for me!

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Today was more of a mental declutter day. More negative beliefs about success came to the fore and I have been tapping quite a lot on them. I know they are blocking my progress and momentum with Ignite, so I'm clearing as much as I can.

I did a little physical declutter, too: Recycled four pieces of paper and three post-its.

Results: I'm feeling better after being sick for a few days. Have taken good care of myself today and my honey is coming over to tend to me and bring me a few things I need. Hopefully tomorrow things will start to move again!

Saturday, Plus

Forgot that I took out recycling on Friday on my way to do laundry. And that I sewed a button on another coat on the subway earlier in the week. I still really love that I can use my travel time for things that need to get done :)

Saturday's Declutter: I really needed to distract myself yesterday, so I did a lot of household cleanup: Threw away pieces from nine old credit/ID cards, did dishes, did some filing, put away laundry, cleaned the catbox and surrounding area, and swept wherever I saw dust bunnies and detritus. While doing all this cleanup I also recycled six envelopes, 23 pieces of paper, a sticky note, seven newspapers, a postcard, and a shopping bag. And I deleted two emails and took some coupons to the lobby.

Results: The place feels good and looks much better. And while I was distracting myself things started popping with Ignite. I got some referrals. And then I heard that some of the new associates are getting extra time to find their first two customers, so we are going to call on Monday about getting me some extra time, too!

My success issues cropped up again last night after this incredible day of things turning around. It's amazing how one's beliefs can completely run one's life and prevent things from working. I'll do more tapping today. It takes time to get rid of these beliefs, but even getting them out of the way temporarily helps shift things around.

I am sick this weekend, and did not go upstate to work, which turned out to be good as I needed time at home to get things done for MY taxes, and to clean up. It will be good to have my info ready for taxes. This year I am going to set some goals for keeping up with it. Even 15 minutes twice a week will get a lot done.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Another Week Gone

Oh, my goodness, I have not been keeping up with the decluttering. TOO MUCH TO DO!

This week, I'm pretty sure I took a Brita filter cup and an old toaster to the lobby, and also a pair of gloves that I picked up in the lobby that weren't working out for me. I might have taken them out last week, and didn't remember, but anyhow, I'm recording it now.

On Thursday, I shredded 46 more papers, did dishes, cleaned the catbox, and swished the toilet. I might also have put away clean laundry, or I did that Friday. On Friday I recycled an envelope and a box, and did laundry.

Results: My Ignite business hit a snag in my first two customers, who have not been verified yet. However, this has brought up a host of issues I have with success, so it's been good although stressful. I'm using EFT tapping to deal with the issues and allow myself to have this success. Have a lot of people working on my behalf to get some customers for me by Monday, so I'm doing my best to stop worrying and am focusing on other things to distract me from worrying. Whatever happens will happen, but worry is just wasted energy, and the Law of Attraction says that worry keeps what you want from happening. So I'm distracting myself with clearing up clutter and cleaning today. It's one bonus check and has no bearing on my future success with this busines, but those beliefs that are blocking me have everything to do with my future success, so it's really good that I'm having to deal with them.

Otherwise, though, things are flowing well. Money and work are coming in, my honey and I are doing well and I'm seeing more commitment, and I'm back on the Body Ecology Diet and detoxing. Gotta get to work now!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Last Week

Whew! Week flew by again!

I shredded 50 papers at work Wednesday and 56 on Thursday. I also paid some bills and recycled envelopes and inserts. Don't think I did much else. Got laundry done on Friday, and half of the dishes.

Results: Had a great time Saturday at a training for my new business venture. Met a lot of great people, and got a plan of action to work on. I'm excited!

Monday, March 14, 2011

More Saturday!

I keep forgetting stuff I did Saturday! I also wiped out my silverware drawer and put the silverware and some measuring cups back in after a couple of weeks of letting it sit empty due to the roach factor. I think I'm just going to have to deal with an occasional roach. As long as I keep the kitchen clean it shouldn't be a huge issue.

Results: Last night I signed up my friends as my first two customers, which means I'll get a check! And, they are going to become business partners as well, and both have HUGE networks! I'm so excited - I barely slept! They are going to save a ton of money on their gas bills each month, and I am getting paid for helping them do it! That's what I call a win-win!

Sunday, March 13, 2011


On Saturday I recycled three more papers. I also put a big binder back in the closet where it lives.

Sunday: I recycled four more papers, and swept the kitchen.

Results: Making great headway on my friend's books today. And I think they are going to be my first energy customers! I have joined an energy company called Ignite, which allows me to get paid by helping others save money on their electric and/or gas bills! The great thing is they offer renewable energy, which is super-important to me. I'm having all kinds of blocks come up about this - I never made much in network marketing in the past and I have some negative beliefs about it. But this is different because it involves bills that people are already paying - all they do is switch who they pay. Nothing else changes. How can I fail?

I'll be excited to get that first check!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Saturday, and More Friday

Forgot that on Friday I sewed a button back onto my coat while on the subway. I was kinda proud of that - good use of my travel time on a long overdue task. :)

Saturday: I recycled 11 newspapers, did dishes twice, then put away clothes in the bedroom, folded clean sheets and put them away, put away towels and dustrags, and put a couple of clothing items into a bag to be recycled at the Farmers' Market. Then I took out ALL the recycling, put my fans into the closet (they'd been out since summer), and swept the entry after putting the recycling bin back. I took my old toaster and a portable Brita filter cup to the lobby. I tossed two dead plants over the fence into the empty lot. I recycled two more newspapers, put some newspaper clippings away, and put away the remaining clean laundry from LAST WEEKEND. Oh yeah, somewhere in there I cleaned the catbox too. Finally, I repaired a piece of costume jewelry, and recycled a map, two train schedules, and a receipt.

Results: The place is by no means completely decluttered, but it feels much better. The paper clutter feels manageable now with some big stuff out of the way.

Weds - Fri

Wednesday: I can't remember if I decluttered anything. I was not feeling well and canceled my third job. Went to the grocery store for a few veggies and came home. I might have taken out the garbage in the morning.

Thursday: I paid four or five bills and recycled the envelopes and inserts, plus another envelope that was lying around from a previously paid bill. I also changed the cat litter and did dishes (hours apart).

Friday: I took out some recycling.

Results: I saw my guy four times this week! He came up here Thursday night just to hang out, and I got to make him dinner, which he liked enough to ask for seconds. I like being a hausfrau :) He took the cat litter bag out for me when he left.

I had enough money to pay all the bills I needed to pay. Am working a couple days next week where I will be paid, and I have money in savings (prepaid rent) that I can use in a pinch to pay the rest of the bills. I can replace that with my next week's pay. Things are going well moneywise!

I did a lot more work for my faraway friend yesterday. It all adds up. I'll get paid down the road and I'm building sweat equity for shares in the company as well. That makes me happy!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Today's Declutter: I recycled 20 plastic bags at Staples. I also paid a bill and recycled the envelope and insert, and I recycled 7 newspapers.

Results: I got a lot of work done for my friend out of state, and got a big thank you from her husband today, which means so much and is so appreciated! She thanks me all the time, but to hear it from him, to hear from a third party how much she respects me and how much my work for her is helping is just huge. It feels really good!

I also may have my first two customers in my new business! And if not, then I'll have a business partner! Very exciting.

Life is really GOOD!

Monday, March 7, 2011


Today I took out the garbage and shredded 41 pages at work.

Results: Got paid :) And had a good day at work. And got an email from someone new who wanted me to work for her in December but had to put it off.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

This Weekend

Ho. Ly. Cow. All that EFT tapping really paid off - my man called me Friday night with an offer I couldn't refuse. It was so much of what I'd been requesting for a long time, and I was taken off guard by it. I didn't expect a turnaround quite so fast, but I got one. It was not everything I told him I needed - I gave some ultimatums last week - but it was one of the things that was supremely important to show me that he is committed. The upshot is that I had a great day with him yesterday, and for me it feels like we're well on our way to having the life I want.

So I am going to tap on every doubt, fear, or other negative feeling that comes up for me in this relationship from now on. It works!

Decluttering (besides EFT): I paid three bills and recycled the envelopes and inserts, and two other envelopes, on Friday. Also did the dishes Friday.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Wow, Time Flies!

I have been so busy the past couple weeks! No time to post anything and I don't remember when I decluttered stuff. I know I did some shredding sometime around the 18th, maybe 16 pages or 20, but since then I have totally lost track.

But it's because I'm working all the time and bringing in lots of money! It's great, and what's even greater is that the diet I'm on is giving me the energy and stamina to do it without getting cranky and wiped out!

So. I've shredded some papers, done a little recycling, kept up with the dishes every other day, and even got motivated to work on cleaning the nastiest of the dirty kitchen cabinets. And yesterday I left a brochure of recipes and coupons down in the lobby (I couldn't use them). That's about all I can remember.

Results: I've been happier since the breakup. He left me a message that sounded like he was going to let me go, and that left me feeling sad for a couple days. But then he's called since then to talk. It brought up lots of feelings that I had an opportunity to deal with using EFT - the Tapping Summit has been going on for 10 days, and I've had amazing results with releasing emotions that were long-held and were in my way. So I guess I HAVE been decluttering all this time! I feel excited about my future, and have a good feeling about what's ahead. I think my guy will rise to the challenge and we'll end up together. But I'm prepared for any eventuality - it really is OK no matter what happens.

As mentioned, the diet is going SO well. I have been feeling so good. I'm not full of energy, but I am holding up through the day and not exhausted. A side benefit is that I'm not driven crazy by the crowds on the train, and don't need as much alone time to recuperate.

A good friend of mine introduced me to a business that I think I'll be able to make a lot of money with, and the best part is I'll get to hang out with her and be around success-oriented people as well. I'm excited to be in it.

And finally, the money is coming in, and I'm really enjoying the new jobs I have! Life feels really good. I'm happy. :)