Sunday, July 26, 2009

Friday/Saturday July 24/25

Friday's Declutter: I came home from work and found one of my glass candle holders on the floor in pieces. Guess the cat knocked it off the coffee table - little stinker. So that got swept up and thrown away, along with the candle inside. I also shredded a page of sensitive but outdated mail at work.

Saturday's Declutter: Recycled two inserts from my phone bill.

Results: I got a call Friday morning regarding more work next week. Also had an opportunity to clear the air a bit with someone I care about. There could be more to do there, but what was said was good.

Then yesterday I got to reconnect with a great group of women, and meet new ones. What we have in common is workshops we've taken by a company called PAX. This company promotes harmony between men and women by helping women understand men. It's changed my life and changed the lives of many women I know. Here's a link for more info:

Celebrating Men, Satisfying Women

New York women, if you'd like to improve your relationships with the men in your life, there is a discounted workshop in Manhattan at the end of August, led by a wonderful married couple. It's the last discounted workshop in the foreseeable future, and a great deal. I'm excited that I was asked to volunteer for it (which is also a great chance to review the info). I volunteered once before, and loved how great it felt to be there for these wonderful women. So I'm taking the opportunity to do it again! To register, go to:

Please give them my affiliate ID #, 302184.

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