Monday, January 17, 2011

Thursday - Sunday

Thursday's Declutter: I recycled an old eyelash curler. The silicone strip kept falling out and finally got lost, so I finally decided I could get a better one that wouldn't be such a pain to maintain! I also paid a bill.

Friday's Declutter: I don't think I decluttered anything on Friday. I was in a lot of pain when I got home - did something to my back Thursday and it got worse Friday. I iced it when I got home and didn't do much else. That helped a lot.

Saturday's Declutter: I cleaned the catbox today. Also took two coupons to the lobby. I may have done some dishes too...

Sunday's Declutter: I cleaned up the spilled coffee (unbrewed) around the coffee pot. No need for me to be a COMPLETE sloven.

Results: I was dangerously close to having zero money, which meant no work unless I could deposit a check that day. Then I remembered that I have a debit card for my ING checking account, and can transfer money among my ING accounts instantaneously. So I did that so I can buy subway fare to get home from work today! Also moved money so I could buy some groceries for tomorrow's breakfast. I am going to have a ton of money by the end of the week, but meanwhile, WOW.

I also asked my friend for whom I'm working remotely if she could do a deposit for me tomorrow for the few hours I've put in this week, and she will! So that will tide me over till the end of the week.

The heat has been wonderful the past couple of days - approaching 75 degrees in my living room. It hasn't been this warm in here in the winter since 2003 or so. Really loving it!

Finally, today I remembered a goal-setting tool I've had for some time that I stopped using because it wasn't useful for my biggest dreams. The mess in this house makes me tired, and I suddenly thought I could use this tool to help me clean it up. The original tool is for setting goals in six different areas of one's life, so you have some balance. But there's a short form for busy months, with only three goals, and you can choose the areas you want to work on. So I filled out three mess goals to work on for the remainder of January. They are: Catching up on Quicken, cleaning up the paper clutter in the living room, and cleaning the kitchen. Already started the kitchen by doing the dishes this morning. :)

I was VERY good at reaching goals using this form, so I feel it will really help me get things cleaned up around here. I am only focusing on the "Mess" category for now. And I already know what two of next month's goals will be: Laundry and my health. And that's it for now!

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