Friday, August 13, 2010

Tuesday - Friday

Well, on Tuesday and Wednesday I didn't really declutter anything that I can recall. Maybe an envelope. I did do a few cleaning things here and there like the catbox and taking out the trash, and maybe some more dusting.

Thursday, however, was a decent day. I paid a bill in the morning and recycled the envelope and inserts. I also recycled the envelope and return envelope from a bill I'm paying by phone. And I recycled a magazine, a menu, a piece of junk mail, and some music I'll never sing again. I also did a bunch of cleaning when I got home: Dishes, put a bunch of paper clutter in a drawer in my room, cleaned the catbox, and hid a bunch of programs I want to sell. (Aside: The cat was being extremely cute through all of this, perching on library books or on the TV tray I found on the curb last week, looking like the queen of all she surveyed!) Oh, and I also pinched off a few dead gladiola flowers - I bought a HUGE, bright pink bouquet of them at Whole Foods on Tuesday for $3.99! I mean, ten stems, full of flowers and buds, and the most amazing hot pink! And it's been cool weather for a couple days, so they aren't wilting, which is what usually happens to flowers in my place!

Oh, yeah, and I got a load of laundry ready to go and put my kitchen drawers in place just to get them off the floor till I can clean them.

Today was D-Day for the company I was expecting. I got up at 7:00 and went to the gym, then came home and started cleaning. I scrubbed the shower curtain, then used some of my bathroom wipes to clean the sink and the toilet. They have the right idea with this product, but it's a little too flimsy to really work well. I used a microfiber cloth to get the cat hair out of the tub and clean the tile. Then I got online to watch the market. I made some breakfast and emailed a couple people, put away a bit more paper clutter, and put the lone peach basket back above the stove. Then I checked my FB messages cuz I hadn't heard from my friend, and she'd answered my earlier message to say they weren't coming to the city after all! I was actually OK with that because there is so much more cleaning to do, and now I won't have to change the sheets or wash the shower curtain! So it worked out fine - my house is cleaner and neater, but I have more time to get it all done.

Results: I am getting paid soon for the work I did for my neighbor. I am in a profitable trade in my IRA and a very volatile and weird trade in my cash account, that looks like it could still go my way, and someone I wrote a check to is happy to hold it for me so I can get my bills paid next week. My gladiolas are still gorgeous, it's nice and cool outside so no need for the A/C, and my pepper plants are flowering! which should mean I'll have peppers in a month or so! So excited. :) And of course, I have a much cleaner house, which always feels good.

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