Monday, August 9, 2010

Friday - Sunday

I got a lot more done on Friday. I recycled four more newspapers, paid a bill and recycled the envelope and inserts, recycled two post-its and a brochure, took out the garbage, put away the clothes, and wrapped meat for the freezer. I also changed the sheets, did laundry, ironed four shirts, and dusted the bedroom. The cleaning system ended with the dusting - I didn't get to the floors, had too much else going on.

I made a list for Saturday, and crossed off most of the items: Went to the Farmers' Market and the gym, put away the laundry, and roasted a pork loin, all before noon. Then I did dishes, scrubbed some of the oven, cleaned under the stove top, and did some hand wash. I had another load of laundry ready to go, but didn't do it till Monday. I took the recycling out too.

On Sunday I did more dishes and did a bunch of filing. I also dusted the living room, which was not on my list, and recycled about 30 pieces of paper, envelopes, and so on, as well as making a folder of stuff to shred - this time mostly old bank records. I also got in touch with my tenant and told him where to send the rent check, and gave him the option to use paypal, with a discount if he pays on time.

I totally forgot that last weekend, Sunday or Monday, I recycled a booklet that was a duplicate of another I have.

Results: My paper trades did really well Friday. I'm about ready to take the strategy live. My plants are also doing really well - have several flowers forming on the tomato plant and they are gonna be BIG tomatoes, which is exciting :)

Communications have been messed up this weekend. A friend has this left-field idea about me and has been trying to shove it down my throat along with his "help," and I'm just like, "Where did he get this stuff?" And my landline isn't working because a phone cable is out. I don't know if this can be considered a result, but it does point up that sometimes chaos follows decluttering for a time. What's interesting to me is that I'm keeping a fairly even keel about it all instead of getting frustrated with it. I figure, if a friend wants to see things about me that aren't there, I don't really need that friend, and the phone isn't a problem at all cuz I'll get credit for the outage!

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