Saturday, August 8, 2009

Wed. - Fri.

Wednesday: You could say that I was the clutter getting thrown out Wednesday instead of the other way around. Or at least, it appears that's what's going to happen in a certain area of my life in the near future. Anyway, I wasn't thinking much about physical decluttering, and don't remember if I did any. I was taken out for a drink by a good friend, who talked things over with me.

By Thursday afternoon I was panicking because everything seemed to be changing all at once, and I realized I'd have to let go (emotionally) of some old to make room for the new. So again, I was too upset even to think about decluttering and don't recall if I did. I was able to talk with another friend about it, who gave me a hug and some tea and listened to my panic. Then I was taken out to dinner by still another friend, and taken good care of, which made me feel much better.

Friday was better. I recycled a piece of mail. The panic receded, to be replaced by excitement, and I was able to think more clearly. I have many options and a tentative plan of action to make at least one of the changes blow up or go away.

Results: I had a DATE! with a real sweetie, which I enjoyed very much!

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