Sunday, April 18, 2010

Friday - Sunday

I forgot that on Thursday I threw away a pair of knee-highs that was getting hole-y.

Friday: I didn't declutter anything that I can remember.

Saturday: I finally put the boxes back in the closet - after rearranging them a bit. I was waiting to see if I had to return my $70 computer, which seems to be not working so well. But then I thought, I can just put what I want into the computer box, and if I have to return it, I can take the stuff out for a day or two till I get the box back home.

So as I rearranged the boxes, I recycled two magazines, five brochures, four business cards, five post-its, two envelopes, two pieces of mail, and four pieces of paper. I also put my two heavy winter coats away and put the fans back in the closet. Finally, I took out the recycling - all of it! - and did half the dishes (all there was room for).

Sunday: I decluttered some wilting veggies. I got most of the other dishes done, and got the garbage ready to take out tomorrow on my way to work. And I packaged up a bunch of meat for the freezer. Other than that it was a very lazy day :)

Results: I got paid Friday and got my rent check yesterday!

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