Monday, September 21, 2009

Last week

Last week I spent Tuesday thru Thursday dealing with a cold. I don't get sick often, so you could say I was due for it. Despite having a fever (which hasn't happened since something like nine years), I got over it pretty quickly WITHOUT the lingering hack that I usually get. I cured the cough before it got bad by several doses of propolis tincture and another tincture called Wellness Warrior, which is made by my friend Stephanie's company, Bioray. Two days of this was all it took to keep the cough relatively shallow.

Anyway, I don't remember what, if anything, I decluttered last week. Certainly some mail and papers went into the recycle bin, but that's about it. I was just resting a lot. Regardless of that though, I got results!

Results: The accountant I reached out to for referrals found me some part-time work! I'm going in this week to start. And, I got the role I auditioned for a week ago! Very very excited! I got to spend Saturday and Sunday with great friends, and met some cool new people, and one of them gave me a way to market my T-shirt!

Starting today, I'm recommitting to decluttering one item a day. I recycled some papers today so that is handled. I'm working three days this week, but I'm going to make sure I toss something each day.

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