Saturday, September 25, 2010

Thursday - Saturday

I don't remember if I decluttered anything much on Thursday or Friday. I read all day on Thursday, except for a couple hours of remote work. Might have done some dishes. I worked Friday all day, so that was sort of a bust, though I think I recycled a piece of paper when I got home :)

Today, however, I have been cleaning. I picked up the clothes in my room and put away sheets I hadn't folded from doing the laundry oh, three weeks ago? Also put away towels and put clean sheets on the bed. I cleaned the catbox, then did some filing a little later, and took out the garbage and some recycling on my way to the laundromat. I took out the remaining recycling after doing the laundry, and organized my cans and bottles to return tomorrow. Finally, I did dishes. There's lots more to do but it's amazing how picking up a few clothes can make a place feel clean. The big job for tomorrow is sweeping the floors.

Oh yeah, I recycled four or five newspapers before taking all the stuff down.

Results: I got an extra hour in at work yesterday, which meant a bigger check than I had expected. If all goes well I should be going in there twice a month going forward, which will be helpful. Also got a call about a temp job. It wasn't right for me but it's good that they are calling me again. I'm feeling good today and just enjoying the sunny, breezy day and the energy to clean :)

Oh, I almost forgot, my tenant emailed me Wednesday night that he could do some work for me and had someone interested in the empty unit! I have yet to hear from the interested party, but I'm hopeful!

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