Saturday, September 4, 2010


On Friday night I recycled four or five newspapers.

Today I took out the garbage and some dead flowers, and took an aromatherapy diffuser that I never use down to the lobby. I also recycled a jar.

Results: Still feeling pretty good. Had a frustrating Friday but am back to a better mood today. I have felt energetic for much of this week, and today was no exception. There are lots of things I can get done this loooonnnngggg weekend.

I had a slight glitch with my container garden this morning - was putting it back outside and broke off the one tomato stem that has fruit! I tried taping it up but the wind has been so strong all day that it just couldn't hold together, so I cut it all the way off and potted it, then decided to put it in water instead, so it can reroot. It took all day for the wilting leaves to recover, but they have and I feel hopeful about the tomato that's on there continuing to grow - also the blossoms that are about to bloom.

I also have four or five pepper blossoms now! I brought the container garden back in after losing a couple more tomato blossoms to the wind, so I'm really hopeful that the peppers will set fruit this time. The weather is cooler and peppers are self-pollinating so having them indoors is not a problem. I'm also trying rooting some tomato suckers in water to see if I can grow a few more plants :)

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