Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sat - Weds.

Saturday: I did laundry on Saturday after mailing my bills.

Sunday: Recycled an envelope and did the dishes.

Monday: Recycled two envelopes and a newspaper. I also took out the garbage, cleaned a cabinet and drawer, and did some handwash.

Tuesday: I recycled a newspaper. Also did dishes.

Wednesday: I took two pairs of too-small tights to the lobby, and shredded 34 papers at work.

Finally, on one of these days, I recycled four newspapers.

Results: I had a great night with my guy Monday, and spent Tuesday in a flow of synchronicity that I couldn't believe. I got groceries before work, to get on this new diet in earnest. I asked about some products I'll need for that, and they suggested a health food store in the opposite direction from where I was going. So as I was heading to work, I passed a brand-new health food store, and went in to check if maybe they had what I needed. They didn't, but one of the employees had done the same diet! She told me it was amazing, and gave me the card of a woman who is a consultant on it, who she thought could tell me where to find the stuff!

Later Tuesday, I got a call I was waiting for that somehow came through while I was on the phone to someone else! I had ignored it when it came in, but the first call got dropped! Anyway, this call cleared up a mystery letter I received on Friday, as well as answering the question I'd been waiting to hear about. So that was awesome.

I have found significant change this week - 7 cents Monday, 26 cents Tuesday, and 8 cents today. Pretty fun.

Finally, I had the weirdest feeling I was going to be let go from one of my jobs this week, but the day came and went and it was a really good workday instead! And the work keeps coming in elsewhere as well, so I'm doing well.

All in all, things are going really well. I'm working on staying OK with the moment as it is, and it seems to really help the way I work and the flow of things. Even when things don't go as planned it seems to be for the best in the end. Yay!

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