Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Today's Declutter

Woohoo, what a burst of energy! I've been feeling down today, and was just listening to a CD while watching the sky clear and become a beautiful blue, and I was suddenly taken with the urge to give away a copy writing study program I bought years ago and never finished. I never received the final section of the course because you had to finish the rest first, so I didn't think I could sell it. It was on the bottom shelf of a rack which holds videos. I pulled all the stuff from the bottom out, and found not only the copy writing program, but also some real estate stuff, a study book for a test I took almost four years ago, and some self-talk tapes. I got the program ready to take to the lobby, then started tossing. Five or six pages of real estate handouts went into the recycle bin, along with a very old list of foreclosed properties. Another paper went to the shred pile, and one fax went to be filed. The real estate booklet went to the closet with the other real estate stuff and one page of notes.

Finally, I recycled 15 unopened letters from the copy writing company (!), including one with a very old message from my boyfriend which added to cheering me up! I took the program down to the lobby, then decided I could sell it for $25 on craigslist, since it was incomplete. So I brought it back up and listed it. If there's no interest by tomorrow, I'll take it to the lobby!

I also cleaned the dust off the test book with a damp rag, then proceeded to clean off the TV and computer screens, and the bathroom mirror. I feel much better for the little burst of declutter energy!

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