Sunday, June 14, 2009

Weds - Sat

Wednesday's declutter: When my friend gave me all that cat food and stuff, I found a measuring cup in the bag of food. I use a measuring cup for my cat's food as well. Anyway, I got to thinking the person might not have meant to toss the measuring cup. So when I visited him on Weds., I left the cup in the free area in his building, so the cat food giver could have it back if he/she wanted it.

Thurs: I took a piece of sensitive information to work and shredded it.

Fri: Took care of a billing problem at my gym and shredded the notice that I got about it.

Sat: Left a book in the lobby after reading it for the last time. This was something I bought years ago, written by my then-favorite author, which I now realize was not up to his usual standard of style and wit. I used to like it even so, although I found it a little sappy. But it's just not as good as his older books. His books used to include wit. This one was all goo, and I've outgrown it.

Results: More money coming in. Lots of help with a bout of sciatica, in the form of people massaging and cracking my back during the week and during the performance Friday night. I was having trouble walking cuz my right leg was so sore, and today I was able to put weight on it with no spasm, so those massages were a godsend. Sciatica is new to me - though it was probably the cause of the mysterious hip pain I had in April - and it makes it difficult to get around easily. It was two friends who clued me in to what was wrong with me. Gotta get back to the chiropractor, it's been too long!

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